Friday, January 23, 2015

Lunchbox look - Jan. 20-23, 2015

I could get used to this three-day weekend business! We were busy riding new bikes and soaking up sunshine after school every day, which left a lot less energy for cute lunches at the end of the day. But the good thing about having a stash of cute supplies is they make it easy to accent even plain meals. I find divided containers to be the easiest to fill, like the first two shown below. In my head I earmark each section for different food groups and then just artlessly pile the food in.

Dinosaurs! Those "bone" picks were one of my first cute lunch purchases and many years later, they're still a favorite - especially when stuck into leftover meatballs. There's also carrots and celery, mini sealed sandwiches and strawberries. Throw in a few dinosaur picks and we're done!

Parent Trap! The song "Let's Get Together" from one of my favorite childhood movies, "The Parent Trap," has become a favorite with my kids. Reliving my youth through my children definitely deserves a themed lunch. The dancers are picks with olives for heads resting on a rolled quesadilla. Strawberries and blueberries fill one compartment, carrots and tomatoes the other plus a yogurt-covered pretzel treat. Yeah yeah yeah!

Pizza! Another really effortless meal using leftover pizza. The green Lego container holds pickle chunks (which leaked a little so we'll have to try a different container next time) plus cheese cubes, strawberries, a container with chocolate-covered sunflower seeds and celery sticks.

Seagulls! These picks look multi-dimensional even though they're flat. The sunset cheese is resting on a cooled grilled cheese sandwich. We have blueberries for the water, a surfboard cupcake topper plus celery, carrots, tomatoes and a strawberry. Another lunch saved by cute picks!

Thanks for stopping by!

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