Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Lunchbox look - Dec 8-12, 2014 - Twelve Days of Christmas week 2

You don't appreciate just how bird-centric the Twelve Days of Christmas song is until you've carved all of them out of sandwich cheese.

Four calling birds! I thought I was being clever but my lunch-eater politely requested that I keep my video game birds on the computer and out of the twelve days of Christmas lunch series. Noted! There's a waxy cheese bird with tomatoes, miniature sandwich with carrots and celery, triangle sandwich with clementines and raspberries with peppermint JoeJoe. Lots of candy eyes here!

Five golden rings! Ring picks made this easy - I just stuck candied pineapple on the picks and slipped the rings around a quesadilla hand. There's also dried cherries, celery (peanut butter is only on the top layer) with sprinkles, raspberry, checkered cucumber, salami with a pick and grapes.

Six geese! More cheese birds, this time stacked on leftover pasta with Parmesan. The second tier holds carrots, apple chunks and grapes.

Seven swans! This is the end of the birds! These swans are on top of a simple half sandwich. There's grapes and raspberries, orange slices, cookie an carrots with a silicone flower to keep the sandwich dry.

Maids a milking! My vision for this lunch was a lot cuter than the finished product, though the image of a girl drinking a gallon of milk through a straw does make me giggle. There's a sandwich plus cow crackers, carrots, tomatoes and snap peas.

Thanks for stopping by!

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